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Thank You for Donating to Poly Gives!

Poly Gives 2024 was a huge success! We couldn't have done it without the generous donations from our amazing alumni, faculty, staff, friends and family. Your impact on Cal Poly's weekend of giving will make a difference in the lives of students on campus now and into the future. Thank you for supporting Learn by Doing!

Donor Heatmap
Rank State Gifts
1 CA 779
2 WA 23
3 OR 17
College Giving Leaderboard
Which college has raised the most?
Rank College Raised
1 Architecture and Environmental Design $146,893.09
2 College of Engineering $117,095.00
3 College of Liberal Arts $60,964.58
4 Orfalea College of Business $48,290.00
5 Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences $37,630.00
College Donor Leaderboard
Which college has the most donors?
Rank College Donors
1 College of Liberal Arts 297
2 College of Engineering 274
3 Architecture and Environmental Design 171
4 Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences 160
5 Orfalea College of Business 138
Program Leaderboard
Wow! These giving areas are in the lead by the amount of dollars raised!
Rank Fund / Area of Giving Raised
1 Student Affairs $15,131.00
2 Club Sports $6,500.00
3 Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship $5,595.00
4 Cal Poly Alumni Association $5,000.00
5 Cal Poly Arts $1,100.00
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