Learn by Doing was born at Cal Poly and will thrive here, always. This exceptional education approach requires exceptional support.
This is why Cal Poly has such a strong culture of parent giving. Our parent donors lead by example, understanding that the partnership between private and public support is critical to the high level of excellence and innovation that sets the Cal Poly student experience apart.
Consider giving to these areas that directly support students:
Cal Poly Cares - Cal Poly Cares provides emergency funds for students in need.
Dream Center - The Dream Center provides resources and programming that promotes the academic, professional, and personal development and success of all undocumented students, mixed status families and allies at Cal Poly.
Food Pantry - The campus food pantry is a resource for all students, and your gift will help keep the shelves full of healthy food options.
General Scholarship - The general scholarship fund provides the widest scholarship support for students.
Parent Fund - Gifts to the Parent Fund provide broad, unrestricted support for all Cal Poly undergraduates