Liberal Arts (CLA)

By supporting College of Liberal Arts scholarships, you have the chance to affect transformational change in the life of a student, and sometimes, the trajectory of entire families – for generations to come.


Without the support of scholarships, some students may not have the opportunity to stay in college or may be so burdened with financial obligations that they can't fully immerse themselves in our Learn by Doing tradition.



While students may receive financial aid through grants, loans, parental assistance and part-time jobs, many exemplary scholars still struggle to meet the costs of higher education. Scholarships assist with tuition and immediate needs like room and board, food, books, supplies, and expenses associated with internships, special projects or study-abroad opportunities.


You can help the College of Liberal Arts attract and retain the best and brightest minds, regardless of financial background, by supporting merit or needs-based awards.



Your donation can help sustain existing scholarships, such as the Edmond, Myrtle and Karen Joseph Scholarship, which helps students who have overcome personal hardship, adversity or tragedy, or the Azzopardi First Generation Scholarship, which awards select first generation students $2,500.


Inherent in every contribution, large or small, are the seeds of change. We invite you to change the lives of College of Liberal Arts students by donating today.

Most # of Gifts to a college, department or fund between 10 am - 11 am
The college, department or program with the most number of gifts between 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 will unlock additional funds.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $250 Student Affairs 5
2 $100 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 4
3 $50 Engineering (CENG) 3
4 Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2
5 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) 2
Giving Leaderboard by # of Gifts
We are so excited and inspired by the number of alumni, parents and friends who are giving back to Cal Poly today! Thank you! These giving areas are in the lead by number of gifts made.
Rank Department Gifts
1 Student Organizations 364
2 Engineering (CENG) 189
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 101
4 Liberal Arts (CLA) 97
5 Student Affairs 76
Giving Leaderboard by $ Raised
Wow! Our Poly Gives donors are so generous and we couldn't be more grateful! These giving areas are in the lead by amount of dollars raised.
Rank Department Raised
1 Engineering (CENG) $28,703.00
2 Student Organizations $18,307.00
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) $15,895.00
4 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) $10,535.00
5 Liberal Arts (CLA) $10,282.00
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