

You are a valued part of the Cal Poly family. As our student-athletes continue to win in their sports, learn in the classroom and lead in the community, we are committed to providing the resources they need to excel.


Despite an improved economy, costs of travel, equipment and scholarships, as well as the expenses of running a competitive program, have all gone up while Cal Poly Athletics' major funding source has remained flat. As a result, we need your support more than ever to ensure that we continue to be competitive in the Big West and to compete on a national level.


We depend on the continued generosity from loyal alumni, family and friends to help sustain the annual financial support for all of our NCAA Division I programs. Every dollar you donate will go directly to the sport of your choice. Your contribution enables the sport you choose to cover additional expenses such as:

  • Facility improvements and equipment
  • Team Travel
  • Promotional and Marketing efforts beyond what is provided by department
  • Athletic scholarships

Each year, Cal Poly Mustang coaches and student-athletes serve as outstanding ambassadors for our community and our University. Your donation to the sport of your choice directly impacts the experiences of more than 500 student-athletes here at Cal Poly.


Thank you very much for your continued support of Cal Poly Athletics.


For more information, please contact the Athletic Development Office at 805-756-0275.

Most # of Gifts to a college, department or fund between 10 am - 11 am
The college, department or program with the most number of gifts between 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 will unlock additional funds.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $250 Student Affairs 5
2 $100 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 4
3 $50 Engineering (CENG) 3
4 Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2
5 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) 2
Giving Leaderboard by # of Gifts
We are so excited and inspired by the number of alumni, parents and friends who are giving back to Cal Poly today! Thank you! These giving areas are in the lead by number of gifts made.
Rank Department Gifts
1 Student Organizations 364
2 Engineering (CENG) 189
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 101
4 Liberal Arts (CLA) 97
5 Student Affairs 76
Giving Leaderboard by $ Raised
Wow! Our Poly Gives donors are so generous and we couldn't be more grateful! These giving areas are in the lead by amount of dollars raised.
Rank Department Raised
1 Engineering (CENG) $28,703.00
2 Student Organizations $18,307.00
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) $15,895.00
4 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) $10,535.00
5 Liberal Arts (CLA) $10,282.00
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