Science & Mathematics (COSAM)

Learn by Doing. It's more than our motto. It is the foundation of education in Cal Poly's College of Science and Mathematics. It's what you experienced here, what you value in the Cal Poly alumni you've hired or the industry partnerships you've established on campus.



It means bright, motivated students working closely with dedicated professors, doing in the laboratories and community what they study in the classroom. It is hands-on experience in real-world research that gives students the skills and confidence to become leaders in science, education, industry and medicine. It is the reason Cal Poly College of Science & Mathematics students thrive in this increasingly scientific and technological world.



We need your help to continue providing these Learn by Doing opportunities. Your support makes a tremendous difference to the next generation of scientists, medical professionals, teachers and industry leaders.


Make a gift to the College of Science & Mathematics to support:

  • Student-Faculty Research: Students work closely with faculty mentors on ongoing, real-world research projects.
  • Student Travel to Professional Conferences: Undergraduates present their research at national and international conferences alongside professional scientists and co-author articles in peer-reviewed journals.
  • Equipment, Technology and Facilities: Access to cutting-edge facilities and equipment prepares students to be leaders in their field, while also expanding possibilities for innovative projects and interdisciplinary collaboration.
  • Scholarships: We can continue to attract top-notch students, especially from underrepresented backgrounds, by offering merit or need-based scholarships.
Most # of Gifts to a college, department or fund between 10 am - 11 am
The college, department or program with the most number of gifts between 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 will unlock additional funds.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $250 Student Affairs 5
2 $100 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 4
3 $50 Engineering (CENG) 3
4 Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2
5 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) 2
Giving Leaderboard by # of Gifts
We are so excited and inspired by the number of alumni, parents and friends who are giving back to Cal Poly today! Thank you! These giving areas are in the lead by number of gifts made.
Rank Department Gifts
1 Student Organizations 364
2 Engineering (CENG) 189
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 101
4 Liberal Arts (CLA) 97
5 Student Affairs 76
Giving Leaderboard by $ Raised
Wow! Our Poly Gives donors are so generous and we couldn't be more grateful! These giving areas are in the lead by amount of dollars raised.
Rank Department Raised
1 Engineering (CENG) $28,703.00
2 Student Organizations $18,307.00
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) $15,895.00
4 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) $10,535.00
5 Liberal Arts (CLA) $10,282.00
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