Poly Reps
Once You're a Poly Rep, You're Always a Poly Rep.

Poly Reps is a group of 40 students dedicated to Cal Poly and what it means to be a Mustang. Exemplifying Learn By Doing, Poly Reps live by the Mustang Way through leading campus tours, visiting high schools, assisting in special events, and developing leadership, teamwork, and friendship amongst one another. Jointly sponsored by the Admissions Office (Academic Affairs) and Annual Giving, Poly Reps strive to positively represent Cal Poly to students past, present, and future.

Most # of Gifts to a college, department or fund between 10 am - 11 am
The college, department or program with the most number of gifts between 10 a.m. - 11 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 will unlock additional funds.
Rank Prize Department Gifts
1 $250 Student Affairs 5
2 $100 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 4
3 $50 Engineering (CENG) 3
4 Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship 2
5 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) 2
Giving Leaderboard by # of Gifts
We are so excited and inspired by the number of alumni, parents and friends who are giving back to Cal Poly today! Thank you! These giving areas are in the lead by number of gifts made.
Rank Department Gifts
1 Student Organizations 364
2 Engineering (CENG) 189
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) 101
4 Liberal Arts (CLA) 97
5 Student Affairs 76
Giving Leaderboard by $ Raised
Wow! Our Poly Gives donors are so generous and we couldn't be more grateful! These giving areas are in the lead by amount of dollars raised.
Rank Department Raised
1 Engineering (CENG) $28,703.00
2 Student Organizations $18,307.00
3 Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences (CAFES) $15,895.00
4 Orfalea College of Business (OCOB) $10,535.00
5 Liberal Arts (CLA) $10,282.00
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Or you can contact us at polygives@calpoly.edu.