It’s one thing to dream big. It’s a whole different thing to find a community that shares your dream and strengthens your purpose -- one that offers you the Learn by Doing opportunities, challenges and mentoring you need to achieve your dream.
It is the kind of community that academically motivated students from across California, the nation and beyond have discovered at Cal Poly for more than a century. A distinctive, nationally recognized university that empowers students to stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly scientific and technological world…one that graduates the kind of innovative leaders who can inspire entire communities and professions to imagine and realize better, more sustainable ways of living, learning, working and being.
To be such a community takes exceptional minds and extraordinary vision, courage and determination. But above all, it takes resources. It's why we’d like to invite you to learn more about our students and our program needs, and to help shape the future for generations to come by supporting Cal Poly.
A gift to the Cal Poly Fund supports areas of greatest need across campus.