We confront complex challenges creatively and responsibly.
The College of Liberal Arts (CLA) empowers change-makers. We train students to confront complex issues through real-world experiences and close faculty support. Our emphasis on interdisciplinary projects and research for both students and faculty, combined with our leadership in equity and inclusion programming, enriches the Learn by Doing experience for Cal Poly students from all colleges.
Giving Priorities:
Dean's Advisory Council (DAC):
The committed alumni and volunteers of DAC have put their resources together to provide a $10,000 matching gift. DAC wants to inspire fellow alumni, parents, faculty and staff to get involved and give to CLA. Every dollar counts! Read more about the DAC matching gift at giving.calpoly.edu.
Dean's Challenge:
Dean Williams is partnering with DAC to award $5,000 split between the top three CLA departments with the greatest number of donors. Make sure to give to CLA AND your department to help them win!