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Challenges and Events

Don't miss the chance to multiply your impact thanks to gift-matching opportunities from some of our most generous donors in the Cal Poly community.

Past Events

Bailey College Match: Undergraduate Research Fund - $5,000
An anonymous supporter has pledged $25,000 to the Bailey College Undergraduate Research Fund over the next five years. They are challenging others to match their first contribution of $5,000, directly impacting undergraduate research opportunities for students in the college.
$5,000 MATCHED
College Donor Leaderboard
Which college has the most donors?
Rank College Donors
1 College of Liberal Arts 297
2 College of Engineering 275
3 Architecture and Environmental Design 171
4 Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences 160
5 Orfalea College of Business 138
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College Giving Leaderboard
Which college has raised the most?
Rank College Raised
1 Architecture and Environmental Design $144,471.00
2 College of Engineering $138,105.00
3 College of Liberal Arts $67,388.74
4 Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences $48,007.00
5 Orfalea College of Business $31,134.00
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